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Photos of October 7th: A Personal Survival Story from the Nova Music Festival

October 7th: A Personal Survival Story from the Nova Music Festival

Join Amit Musaei, a licensed Israeli tour guide and survivor of the October 7th terror attack at the Nova music festival, as he shares his amazing escape story and the stories of others affected by the tragedy.
During the talk, Amit will also discuss the geopolitics of Gaza and the surrounding region. Amit survived the attack while saving four friends but tragically lost three, all of whom were parents.
He will talk about their lives and the fundraising project currently being organized for their children. Amit will include maps and documentation from the moment the attack began, with the assurance that no graphic content will be shown.
This is an opportunity to hear a firsthand story, engage directly with Amit, and ask questions.

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  • Hear Amit Musaei, a survivor of the October 7th terror attack, share his personal escape story from the Nova music festival and the impact of the tragedy on his life and others.
  • Learn about the geopolitics of Gaza and the surrounding areas as Amit provides context to the events that unfolded during the attack.
  • Participate in a sensitive and respectful discussion.

Tour Itinerary

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    21.7.2024- Sunday-

    Starting time- 20:00

Good to Know

  • While the presentation discusses a tragic event, no graphic content will be shown to ensure a respectful and sensitive experience for all attendees.
  • This event will be hosted via Zoom, allowing for interactive participation. Attendees are encouraged to engage directly with Amit Musaei, ask questions, and actively participate in the discussion.
  • A portion of the revenue will be donated to an organization dedicated to supporting the survivors of the Nova Music Festival.

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Please note that the dates highlighted in green and yellow are currently available for booking. If you select one of these dates, the booking process will begin.


What is the event about?

This is a presentation by Amit Musaei, a licensed Israeli tour guide and survivor of the October 7th terror attack at the Nova music festival. He will share his personal escape story and the stories of those who were affected by the tragedy.

Who is Amit Musaei?

Amit Musaei is a licensed tour guide in Israel who survived a terror attack during the Nova music festival. He saved four of his friends during the attack but tragically lost three friends, all of whom were parents.

Will there be graphic content shown?

No, there will be no graphic content shown during the presentation. The event is designed to be respectful and sensitive to the attendees.

How can I join the Zoompresentation?

You can join the presentation by registering on our website. Once registered, you will receive an email with the Zoom meeting link and further instructions on how to join the event.

What will be discussed during the talk?

The talk will cover Amit’s escape story, the impact of the tragedy on his life and others, and the geopolitics of Gaza and the surrounding region. It will also include information about a fundraising project for the children of the deceased victims.

What materials will be provided during the presentation?

The presentation will include maps and documentation related to the incident to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the context and events.


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